
bulk_request_mutate #

Description #

The bulk_request_mutate filter is used to mutate bulk requests of Elasticsearch.

Configuration Example #

A simple example is as follows:

  - name: bulk_request_mutate
      - bulk_request_mutate:
          fix_null_id: true
          generate_enhanced_id: true
#          fix_null_type: true
#          default_type: m-type
#          default_index: m-index
#          index_rename:
#            "*": index-new
#            index1: index-new
#            index2: index-new
#            index3: index3-new
#            index4: index3-new
#            medcl-dr3: index3-new
#          type_rename:
#            "*": type-new
#            type1: type-new
#            type2: type-new
#            doc: type-new
#            doc1: type-new


Parameter Description #

fix_null_typeboolWhether to fix a request that does not carry _type. It is used in collaboration with the default_type parameter.
fix_null_idboolWhether to fix a request that does not carry _id and generate a random ID, for example, c616rhkgq9s7q1h89ig0
remove_typeboolWhether to remove the _type parameter. Elasticsearch versions higher than 8.0 do not support the _type parameter.
generate_enhanced_idboolWhether to generate an enhanced ID, such as c616rhkgq9s7q1h89ig0-1635937734071093-10.
default_indexstringDefault index name, which is used if no index name is specified in metadata
default_typestringDefault document type, which is used if no document type is specified in metadata
index_renamemapIndex name used for renaming. You can use * to overwrite all index names.
type_renamemapType used for renaming. You can use * to overwrite all type names.
pipelinestringpipeline parameter of a specified bulk request
remove_pipelineboolWhether to remove the pipeline parameter from the bulk request
safety_parseboolWhether to use a secure bulk metadata parsing method. The default value is true.
doc_buffer_sizeintBuffer size when an insecure bulk metadata parsing method is adopted. The default value is 256 * 1024.