Use JavaScript for complex query rewriting

Use JavaScript for complex query rewriting #

Here is a use case:

How does the gateway support cross-cluster search? I want to achieve: the input search request is lp:9200/index1/_search these indices are on three clusters, so need search across these clusters, how to use the gateways to switch to lp:9200/cluster01:index1,cluster02,index1,cluster03:index1/_search? we don’t want to change the application side, there are more than 100 indices, the index name not strictly named as index1, may be multiple indices together。

Though INFINI Gateway provide a filter content_regex_replace can implement regular expression replacement, but in this case the variable need to replace with multi parameters. It is more complex, there is no direct way to implement by regexp match and replace, so how do we do that?

Javascript filter #

The answer is yes, we do have a way, in the above case, in theory we only need to match the index name index1 and replace 3 times by adding prefix cluster01:, cluster02: and cluster03:,

By using INFINI Gateway’s JavaScript filter, we can implement this easily.

Actually no matter how complex the business logic is, it can be implemented through the scripts, not one line of script, then two lines.

Define the scripts #

Let’s create a script file under the scripts subdirectory of the gateway data directory, as follows:

➜  gateway ✗ tree data 
└── gateway
    └── nodes
        └── c9bpg0ai4h931o4ngs3g
            ├── kvdb
            ├── queue
            ├── scripts
            │   └── index_path_rewrite.js
            └── stats

The content of this script is as follows:

function process(context) {
    var originalPath = context.Get("_ctx.request.path");
    var matches = originalPath.match(/\/?(.*?)\/_search/)
    var indexNames = [];
    if(matches && matches.length > 1) {
        indexNames = matches[1].split(",")
    var resultNames = []
    var clusterNames = ["cluster01", "cluster02"]
    if(indexNames.length > 0) {
        for(var i=0; i<indexNames.length; i++){
            if(indexNames[i].length > 0) {
                for(var j=0; j<clusterNames.length; j++){

    if (resultNames.length>0){
        var newPath="/"+resultNames.join(",")+"/_search";

Like normal JavaScript, define a specific function process to handle context information inside the request, _ctx.request.path is a variable of the gateway’s built-in context to get the path of the request, and then use function context.Get("_ctx.request.path") to access this field inside the script.

In the script we used general regular expression for matching and characters process, did some character stitching, got a new path variable newPath , and finally used context.Put("_ctx.request.path",newPath) to update the request path back to context.

For more information about fields of request context please visit: Request Context

Gateway Configuration #

Next, create a gateway configuration and reference the script using a javascript filter as follows

  - name: my_es_entry
    enabled: true
    router: my_router
    max_concurrency: 10000

  - name: default_flow
      - dump:
            - _ctx.request.path
      - javascript:
          file: index_path_rewrite.js
      - dump:
          - _ctx.request.path
      - elasticsearch:
          elasticsearch: dev
  - name: my_router
    default_flow: default_flow

- name: dev
  enabled: true
  schema: http

In the above example, a javascript filter with file specified as index_path_rewrite.js, and two dump filters are used for debugging, also used one elasticsearch filter to forward requests to ElasticSearch for queries.

Start Gateway #

Let’s start the gateway to have a test:

➜  gateway ✗ ./bin/gateway
   ___   _   _____  __  __    __  _       
  / _ \ /_\ /__   \/__\/ / /\ \ \/_\ /\_/\
 / /_\///_\\  / /\/_\  \ \/  \/ //_\\\_ _/
/ /_\\/  _  \/ / //__   \  /\  /  _  \/ \ 
\____/\_/ \_/\/  \__/    \/  \/\_/ \_/\_/ 

[GATEWAY] A light-weight, powerful and high-performance elasticsearch gateway.
[GATEWAY] 1.0.0_SNAPSHOT, 2022-04-18 07:11:09, 2023-12-31 10:10:10, 8062c4bc6e57a3fefcce71c0628d2d4141e46953
[04-19 11:41:29] [INF] [app.go:174] initializing gateway.
[04-19 11:41:29] [INF] [app.go:175] using config: /Users/medcl/go/src/
[04-19 11:41:29] [INF] [instance.go:72] workspace: /Users/medcl/go/src/
[04-19 11:41:29] [INF] [app.go:283] gateway is up and running now.
[04-19 11:41:30] [INF] [api.go:262] api listen at:
[04-19 11:41:30] [INF] [entry.go:312] entry [my_es_entry] listen at:
[04-19 11:41:30] [INF] [module.go:116] all modules are started
[04-19 11:41:30] [INF] [actions.go:349] elasticsearch [dev] is available

Testing #

Run the following query to verify the query results, as shown below:

curl localhost:8000/abc,efg/_search

You can see debugging information output by the gateway through the dump filter

_ctx.request.path  :  /abc,efg/_search
_ctx.request.path  :  /cluster01:abc,cluster02:abc,cluster01:efg,cluster02:efg/_search

The query criteria have been rewritten according to our requirements,Nice!

Rewrite the DSL #

All right, we did change the request url, is that also possible to change the request body, like the search QueryDSL?

Let’s do this:

function process(context) {
    var originalDSL = context.Get("_ctx.request.body");
    if (originalDSL.length >0){
        var jsonObj=JSON.parse(originalDSL);
        jsonObj.aggs= {
            "test1": {
                "terms": {
                    "field": "abc",
                        "size": 10


 curl -XPOST   localhost:8000/abc,efg/_search -d'{"query":{}}'


_ctx.request.path  :  /abc,efg/_search
_ctx.request.body  :  {"query":{}}
[04-19 18:14:24] [INF] [reverseproxy.go:255] elasticsearch [dev] hosts: [] => []
_ctx.request.path  :  /abc,efg/_search
_ctx.request.body  :  {"query":{},"size":123,"aggs":{"test1":{"terms":{"field":"abc","size":10}}}}

Look, we just unlock the new world, agree?

Conclusion #

By using the Javascript filter in INFINI Gateway, it can be very flexible and easily to perform the complex logical operations and rewrite the Elasticsearch QueryDSL to meet your business needs.